Provider of flexible and reliable gas storage services

POZAGAS a.s. is the owner and operator of underground gas storage facility Láb 4, located in western Slovakia in the vicinity of town Malacky, close to the border with Austria.
POZAGAS a. s. was established in 1993 by Slovenský plynárenský priemysel, š. p., Bratislava, and Nafta, a. s. Gbely, to build up and operate the Láb 4 underground gas storage. In 1994 the French gas undertaking Gaz de France (currently ENGIE) acquired an equity holding in the Company.
POZAGAS a.s. was the first energy company in the Slovak Republic to have a strategic foreign partner among its shareholders. Company currently belongs to the group EPH, one of the biggest energy companies in central Europe.
We fully cover the demand for gas storage in Slovakia, more over in greater extent we export our storage capacities to more developed Austrian gas market. POZAGAS storage has a unique possibility to connect he Market area Austria and Market area Slovakia.

POZAGAS strives to contribute to the effect of the european synergy and cooperation. We are member of several organizations, which associate companies operating in energy business in Slovakia or European union (e.g. Slovak Gas and Oil Association, Gas Infrastructure Europe).