Current Tenders for the sale of selected storage services

Capacity sales
POZAGAS a.s. offers to the market participants access to storage in transparent and non-discriminatory basis. Storage capacity is usually allocated in public offerings announced for given storage season.
Storage capacity shall be allocated within the definition of products and services according to Rules of Operation and/or Tender Terms and Conditions respective to the public tender.
The registration of the counterparty for business cooperation with POZAGAS is the first step to ensure the integrity and security of the mutual business relationship. Part of the registration of the counterparty is the KYC procedure enabling a comprehensive verification of the identity, suitability and risks associated with maintaining a business relationship with the counterparty.
Detailed information on the registration procedure can be found in the documentation below:
Registration (instructions about the registration of counterparties)
Flexible storage capacity for season 2025/26
Flexible storage capacity sales for season 2025/26 in form of Tender T/1/2024.
Storage capacity shall be offered in form of flexible storage product BASIC 130/130 offed on firm basis with minimum injection duration 130 and withdrawal duration of 130 days for each gas processing direction for period of storage season 2025/26
All necessary information regarding your participation in Tender T/1/2024, product specification of announcement of individual auctions are described in Tender documentation below.
Tender documentation:
Short-term storage capacity S.T.A.C.
Part of the available storage capacity will be offered in form of short-term storage capacity S.T.A.C.
Product S.T.A.C. is a short-term spread trading opportunity with storage capacity on the basis of previously concluded Framework gas storage agreement.
All necessary information regarding the short-term storage capacity S.T.A.C. are described in Tender documentation below.
Tender documentation:
General Terms and Conditions for S.T.A.C. service