for services provided by POZAGAS a.s. and terms and conditions of prices application

POZAGAS a.s. applies regulated access to the storage in accordance with Section 11(2)(h) of Act No. 250/2012 Coll. No. 147/2024 Coll., which establishes price regulation of regulated activities in the gas industry and certain conditions for the performance of regulated activities in the gas industry, as amended. Regulated access to storage is applied to a price-regulated storage product in accordance with the decision of the Regulatory Office for Network Industries No. 0045/2025/P of 03.03.2025.
Price-regulated storage product
Decision of the Regulatory Office for Network Industries No 0045/2025/P as of 03. 03. 2025
Gas market participants may apply for the allocation of a price-regulated storage product by sending an application to the email address or The price-regulated storage product will be allocated to applicants in the order of receipt of applications meeting the conditions for its allocation (first-come first-served).
POZAGAS a.s. applies the negotiated access to the storage in the provision of services that do not meet the conditions under § 21a of the Decree of the Regulatory Office for Network Industries No. 147/2024 Coll., which establishes price regulation of regulated activities in the gas industry and certain conditions for the performance of regulated activities in the gas industry, as amended. It applies market-based pricing principles to these services, promoting non-discriminatory access and increasing liquidity on the storage capacity market.